Category - Technology

Total count: 348
Created on 13 February, 2018by haileywallace
Time: 00:02:58
Slides: 7
Views: 69 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Created on 11 November, 2017by Goncalof87
Time: 00:05:00
Slides: 39
Views: 187 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Technology for Educators Part 1
The following is a short presentation of parts of the enrollment process at the Garden State Career Institute used for a class assignment.
Created on 04 August, 2017by ahsimmons2
Time: 00:01:23
Slides: 7
Views: 76 | Comments: 2 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Created on 08 July, 2017by Goncalof87
Time: 00:04:58
Slides: 19
Views: 223 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Created on 03 July, 2017by mannc
Time: 00:02:10
Slides: 13
Views: 99 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Conjunto de técnicas y equipos informáticos que permiten comunicarse a distancia por vía electrónica.
Created on 09 June, 2017by jhonyantoniopilco
Time: 00:00:30
Slides: 3
Views: 90 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Created on 25 May, 2017by aimeesal
Time: 00:02:20
Slides: 14
Views: 79 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Created on 31 October, 2016by fredo
Time: 00:08:31
Slides: 14
Views: 64 | Comments: 3 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Created on 04 October, 2016by HanYOLO
Time: 00:05:20
Slides: 4
Views: 152 | Comments: 8 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
En esta presentacion tendras referncias sobre que es una nube de palabras y de aplicaciones que podras usar para realizar nubes de palabras muy utiles...
Created on 11 September, 2016by jessicasuarez02
Time: 00:05:00
Slides: 9
Views: 242 | Comments: 1 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0

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