Category - Instructional

Total count: 576
Created on 16 November, 2013by Teodora
Time: 00:00:42
Slides: 7
Views: 74 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Created on 04 November, 2013by escuela3de6
Time: 00:00:30
Slides: 3
Views: 58 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Hogyan csökkenthető szépkorban a szív- és érrendszeri halálozás?
Civil Fórum IV. – Páciensoktatási program cukorbetegeknek
2013. május 4.
Created on 31 October, 2013by diabetes5
Time: 00:16:48
Slides: 20
Views: 563 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
A háziorvos tanácsai
Civil Fórum IV. – Páciensoktatási program cukorbetegeknek
2013. május 4.
Created on 30 October, 2013by diabetes5
Time: 00:17:01
Slides: 19
Views: 473 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Created on 30 October, 2013by joannadupouy
Time: 00:08:11
Slides: 17
Views: 157 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Adding POW to Introductions
Six strategies for addiing POW to your introdfctions.
Created on 27 October, 2013by sbolduc
Time: 00:04:15
Slides: 17
Views: 97 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Les blogs
Usages et analyse comparative
Created on 23 October, 2013by joannadupouy
Time: 00:13:28
Slides: 24
Views: 464 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Le Projet
Dans cette vidéo Oxylane Exchange t'accompagne dans les grandes questions du pourquoi d'un Projet et surtout t'aide dans les étapes qui constituent un...
Created on 17 October, 2013by drykann
Time: 00:04:30
Slides: 8
Views: 229 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Created on 03 October, 2013by Lecturer2013
Time: 00:01:23
Slides: 3
Views: 100 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0
Created on 29 September, 2013by JulieRoquefort
Time: 00:00:06
Slides: 8
Views: 73 | Comments: 0 | Favorited: 0 | Rating: 0

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